You are here: Dashboard > Social Media Panel > Setting Up Social Media Panel -- Overview

Setting Up the Social Media Panel -- Overview

Only users with the permission to edit Organization settings can set up the Social Media Panel.

Before you can use the Social Media Panel, you need to:

1. Enable a connection to your Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Enabling a connection authorizes the Social Media Panel to access your organization's Twitter or Facebook account. For Twitter, this step also gives all users in the organization read permission to the account.

2. For Facebook, select the options to display on the Social Media Panel.

This step gives all users in the organization read permission to the selected options, such as the Wall, News Feed, and pages.

3. Grant users write/delete permissions.

This step gives a user write/delete permissions to the accounts.

IMPORTANT:  Before setting up the Social Media Panel, make sure you are NOT currently logged into your personal Twitter or Facebook account. If you are logged into a personal account, the Social Media Panel will connect to your PERSONAL account, giving your organization’s users read access to your personal account.

What do you want to do?

Enable a connection to Facebook

Enable a connection to Twitter

Grant write/delete permissions